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http://www.ilmediterraneo.it/it/cultura/7546ROMA- Il Vaticano ha chiesto alla Turchia di esaminare l’antica Bibbia scritta 1500 anni fa. Il manoscritto in pelle, che vale 17 milioni di euro, è stato rinvenuto dalla polizia nel sud della Turchia durante un'operazione anti-ricettazione nel 2000.
L’opera sacra, affidata da poco al Museo etnografico di Ankara, è stata richiesta dalla Curia vaticana. La notizia è stata data dal ministro della Cultura e del Turismo Ertu#287;rul Günay ed è stata riportata dall’agenzia Anadolu. Scritta in aramaico con alfabeto siriaco, la Bibbia ha fatto nascere la curiosità dello Stato Vaticano in quanto sembrerebbe che la copia sia del controverso Vangelo di Barnaba che, secondo i musulmani, sembrerebbe un vangelo originale soppresso nei secoli avvenire.
“E' stata scritta in una lingua simile a quella parlata da Gesù”, ha spiegato il ministro all’agenzia di stampa turca,“probabilmente si tratta di aramaico”. Le copie più antiche del Vangelo di Barnaba risalgono al XVI secolo e sono scritte in italiano e spagnolo. Il Vangelo di Barnaba contraddice il racconto canonico del Nuovo Testamento ma ha un forte parallelismo con la visione islamica di Gesù. Molti dei suoi contenuti e temi sono analoghe alle idee islamiche e include una profezia di Gesù sull'arrivo del profeta Maometto sulla terra. Il manoscritto, oltre ad avere un’enorme valore storico-religioso ha un valore reale di 17 milioni di euro e per una sola copia fotostatica, “viene stimata in 1,3 o anche 1,7 milioni” si legge tra le pagine del quotidiano filogovernativo.
http://ilmondodiannibale.globalist.it/D ... -discordiaAnkara farà esaminare all'estero il manoscritto biblico della discordia
L'antico manoscritto sarà analizzato all'estero per stabilire con esatezza a quando risalga. E un funzionario spera...
E' di ieri la notizia del rinvenimento di un testo biblico che risale al V secolo, stando alla prima approssimativa valutazione. La notizia ha subito destato la "curiosa atenzione" di certi ambienti che hanno voluto scorgervi, chissà perchè, la certezza che si tratti del famoso "vangelo islamico", quello in cui Gesù preconizzerebbe la venuta di Maometo. In un clima incredibilmente surriscaldato per il semplice annuncio del rinvenimento, il ministro della cultura turco ha reso noto che il suo governo ha deciso di farlo esaminare all'estero per accertare con esattezza a quale secolo risalga. Nel corso dell'affollatissima conferenza stampa sono stati forniti dei dettagli. Il testo è di 52 pagine e contiene un disegno raffigurante l'ultima cena, un altro raffigurante il sole, e poi altri due raffiguranti uno la croce e l'altro la tomba di Gesù.
Le autorità turche non hanno precisato in quale paese si trovi il laboratorio prescelto per l'esame. Purtroppo però è stato chiarito che una volta resturato il testo sarà esposto al museo etnografico di Ankara. Purtroppo perchè un funzionario di detto museo è stato subito raggiunto dall stampa e ha detto: "ho letto che alcuni sostengono che sia il Vangelo secondo Barnaba (il presunto Vangelo in cui il discepolo di Gesù assicurerebbe che il suo maestro avrebbe parlato di un profeta a lui successivo, un testo così denominato è stato scritto nel XV secolo, presumibimente da un musulmano). Cosa posso dire? Speriamo..."
Difficile capire per quale motivo dovrebbe trattarsi proprio di questo ipotetico "Vangelo islamico", ma facilissismo comprendere quanto questa ipotesi alimenti conflitti e integralismi.La guerra sul testo che nessuno ha visto non si placa.
http://www.todayszaman.com/news-272334- ... firms.html1,500-year-old handwritten Bible kept in Ankara, ministry confirms
The minister of culture and tourism on Thursday confirmed media reports suggesting that a 1,500-year-old Bible that was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000 is being kept in Ankara today.
According to media reports on Thursday, the Bible was seized from a gang smuggling artifacts during a police operation in southern Turkey in 2010 and reportedly preserves its originality and many traces of the period in which it originated.
The gang was reportedly convicted of smuggling various items seized during the operation, including the Bible, and all the artifacts were kept in a safe at an Ankara courthouse. The Bible, which was reportedly kept at the courthouse for years, was only recently handed over to the care of the Ankara Ethnography Museum.
Culture and Tourism Minister Ertu#287;rul Günay said on Thursday that the ministry has received a copy of Bible from the Ankara courthouse which dates back to 1,500 years ago and is thought to have been written in Aramaic, the language of Jesus. He said the Bible needs restoration and it will be opened to public display after this.
The Turkish media reports also said on Thursday that the Vatican has requested that Turkey allow it to examine the 1,500-year-old Bible; however, the Vatican Embassy in Ankara denied the reports on Thursday suggesting that the Vatican had asked Turkey to examine the copy of Bible in Ankara.
The leather-bound Bible, which is said to be worth TL 40 million, was written on leather sheets and is now under protection as it is regarded as a valuable cultural asset. Even a Xerox copy of pages from the book is reported to be worth as much as TL 3-4 million.
Some media reports also said the copy of Bible in Ankara may be a copy of the much-debated Gospel of Barnabas, which Muslims claim is an original gospel that was later suppressed; the oldest copies of this gospel date back to the 16th century and are written in Italian and Spanish. However, the Gospel of Barnabas is not included in the four gospels that currently comprise the canonical New Testament -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Gospel of Barnabas contradicts the canonical New Testament account of Jesus and his ministry but has strong parallels with the Islamic view of Jesus. Much of its content and themes parallel Islamic ideas, and it includes a prediction by Jesus of the Prophet Muhammad coming to earth.
Ömer Faruk Harman, a theology professor, said scientific examinations may reveal whether the Bible in Ankara is the Gospel of Barnabas, which he said complies with the messages in Muslim holy book of Quran and is believed by Muslims to be the most original copy of Bible.
He said in line with Islamic belief, the Gospel of Barnabas treats Jesus as a human being and prophet not a God, rejects trinity and crucifixion of Jesus and includes a prediction about Prophet Muhammad’s coming to Earth. About the prospects of whether the Bible could be the Gospel of Barnabas, #304;hsan Özbek, a Protestant pastor, said this is unlikely because St. Barnabas lived in the first century and was one of the Apostles of Jesus, but the Bible in Ankara is said to be from the fifth or the sixth century.
“The copy in Ankara might have been written by one of the followers of St. Barbanas and since there is around 500 years in between St. Barnabas and the writing of the Bible copy [in Ankara], Muslims may be disappointed to see that this copy does not include things they would like to see and it might have no relation with the content of the Gospel of Barnabas,” said Özbek.
Aydo#287;an Vatanda#351;, a Today’s Zaman journalist and author who has written two books on the Gospel of Barnabas, said there is no clue that the Bible mentioned in the Turkish press dates back to 1,500 years ago, but he said it is sure that the Gospel of Barnabas had been written in the Aramaic language and Syriac alphabet.
“There is only one Gospel that exactly matches this definition: the ‘Gospel of Barnabas’ that was found in a cave in Uludere in Hakkari [now of #350;#305;rnak] in the early 1980s by villagers, which I told the story of first as a screenplay in 2005 for a film project, then in my novel in 2007, ‘The Secret of Gospel of Barnabas’ and my investigative journalism book, ‘Apokrifal’ in 2008.”
As a result of his research, Vatanda#351; said he found that this Gospel was actually preserved by the Special Armed Forces intelligence unit in the 1990s and that some parts of this Gospel were translated by an Aramaic language expert Dr. Hamza Hocagil under the control of the intelligence unit. He said Dr. Hocagil was asked to stop translating it by the Special Armed Forces when it turned out that he had shared sensitive information with journalists at the time.
“Since then we did not know where this Gospel was. After my book about the entire story of this Gospel and the criminal incidents surrounding it, the public’s interest and curiosity has increased and the Turkish military has been the target of several questions about the case. Therefore, I believe that the emergence of this Gospel again is very timely,” he said. Vatanda#351; also claimed that three other copies of this Gospel written by St. Barnabas are hidden in different locations in the region, so the Gospel in Ankara might be one of these as well.
1500-year-old gospel kept in Ankara excites Vatican, report claims
The Vatican has requested that Turkey allow it to examine a 1500-year-old copy of an apocryphal gospel that was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000 and handed over to the Ankara Ethnography Museum, the Turkish Bugün daily reported on Thursday.
The daily said the document is reportedly written in Aramaic, the language Jesus is thought to have spoken, and is said to be worth TL 40 million. According to the report, the document was seized from a gang smuggling artifacts during a police operation in southern Turkey in 2010 and reportedly preserves its originality and many traces of the period it's from.
The gang was reportedly convicted of smuggling various items seized during the operation, including the text, and all the artifacts were kept in a safe in the Ankara Courthouse. The document, which was reportedly kept in the courthouse for years, was only recently handed over to the care of Ankara Ethnography Museum.
The leather-bound text is written on leather sheets and is now under protection as it is regarded as a valuable cultural asset. Even a Xerox copy of pages from the book is reported to be worth as much as TL 3-4 million.
Another Turkish daily, the Star, has claimed that it may be a copy of the much-debated Gospel of Barnabas, which Muslims claim is an original gospel that was later suppressed. The oldest existent copies of this gospel date back to the 16th century and are written in Italian and Spanish. However, the Gospel of Barnabas is not included in the four gospels that currently comprise the canonical New Testament -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The Gospel of Barnabas contradicts the canonical New Testament account of Jesus and his ministry, but has strong parallels with the Islamic view of Jesus. Much of its content and themes parallel Islamic ideas and it includes a prediction by Jesus of the Prophet Muhammad coming to earth.
http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2 ... 97335.htmlControversy mounts over newly-found gospel that claims advent of Islam
The discovery of the gospel that predicts the coming of Prophet Mohammed has been stirring much controversy especially in light of the contradictions it has with the Quran and the question marks surrounding its authenticity.
Despite speculations about the discovered text being the famous Barnabas Gospel, which foresees the advent of Islam, nothing so far confirms this hypothesis, including the Turkish newspaper Zaman.
The paper added that the Vatican did not ask for a copy of the text, but the Vatican ambassador in Ankara asked the Turkish authorities to inspect it and provide feedback on its authenticity.
Skepticism over the authenticity of the text arises from the contradictions it has with the Quran even though it recognizes Islam and Prophet Mohammed in addition to the fact that most studies say the book goes back to only 500 years ago.
These contradictions, which were the main reason why Arab scholars ignored the Arabic translation issued 100 years ago, were tackled in detail by Egyptian writer and thinker Abbas Mahmoud al-Akkad.
In an analysis he wrote on October 26, 1959 in the Egyptian newspaper al-Akhbar, Akkad said that the description of hell in Barnabas Gospel is based on relatively recent information that was not available at the time in which the text was supposedly written.
“Several of the expressions written in the gospel are ones Europeans borrowed from Arab sources,” he wrote.
Akkad added that the gospel’s account of how Jesus told a crowd of thousands about the advent of Prophet Mohammed is hard to believe.
This gospel, he explained, contains several mistakes that can be obvious to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.
Reading the 325-page, 231-chapter Arabic translation of the book, which can be downloaded from the internet, makes it easy to detect the contradictions to Quran it contains.
For example, the book says that there are nine heavens and that the tenth is paradise while in Quran they are seven only and claims that Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus without any pain while the Quran story says she got labor pains.
According to the gospel, Jesus said to Jewish priests that he is not the Messiah and that the Messiah is Mohammed. This means a denial of the existence of a Messiah, who is in fact Jesus Christ, and makes Jesus and Mohammed seem like they are one and the same person.
The book also contains information that lack historical credibility like the presence of three armies, each made up of 200,000 soldiers, in Palestine whereas the entire population of Palestine 2,000 years ago did not even reach 200,000. In addition, Palestine was occupied by the Romans at the time and it is impossible that Palestine was allowed to have any army or armies of its own.
The last sentence in chapter 217 says that 100 pounds of stones were placed on Christ’s body. This confirms that the gospel was written quite recently because the first to use the pound as a unit of weight was the Ottomans in their experiments with Italy and Spain and it was never known during the time of Jesus.
Chapter 20 also stated that the cities of Jerusalem and Nazareth are sea ports.
One of the most striking facts mentioned in the book comes in Chapter 53 which says that on Judgment Day, the moon will turn into a block of blood and on the second day this blood will drip on earth like dew then on the third day stars will start fighting like warring armies.
The book recounts what will happen everyday till day 15 when “pure angels are going to die.”
According to many studies, the gospel attributed to St. Barnabas was written by a European Jew in the Middle Ages who was quite familiar with the Quran and the Gospels. He, thus, mixed facts from here and there and his intentions remain unknown.
(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid)
http://www.sahilonline.org/english/news ... &nid=13314London: A 1,500-year-old Bible in which Jesus is believed to have foretold the coming of the Prophet Mohammed to Earth has attracted attention from the Vatican this week.
Pope Benedict XVI has reportedly requested to see the book, which has been hidden in Turkey for the last 12 years, according to the Daily Mail.
The text, reportedly worth $22 million, is said to contain Jesus#65533; prediction of the Prophet#65533;s coming but was suppressed by the Christian Church for years for its strong resemblance to the Islamic view of Jesus, Turkish culture and tourism minister Ertugrul Gunay told the newspaper.
-In line with Islamic belief, the Gospel treats Jesus as a human being and not a God. It rejects the ideas of the Holy Trinity and the Crucifixion and reveals that Jesus predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammed,- the newspaper reported.
-In one version of the gospel, he is said to have told a priest: #65533;How shall the Messiah be called? Mohammed is his blessed name.#65533;
-And in another, Jesus denied being the Messiah, claiming that he or she would be Ishmaelite, the term used for an Arab,- the newspaper added.
According to the report, Muslims claim the text, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, is an addition to the original gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.
St. Barnabas is traditionally identified as the founder of the Cypriot Church, an early Christian later named an apostle.
Gunay said the Vatican has officially requested to see the book, which Turkey had discovered during a police anti-smuggling operation in 2000.
The gang was reportedly convicted of smuggling various items seized during the operation, including the Bible, and all the artifacts were kept in a safe at an Ankara courthouse.
It remained closely guarded by authorities before being handed over to the Ankara Ethnography Museum where it will soon be put on show.
A photocopy of a single page from the leather-bound, gold-lettered book, penned in Jesus#65533; native Aramaic language is reportedly worth about $2.4 million.
But skepticism over the authenticity of the ancient handwritten manuscript has arisen.
Protestant pastor #65533;hsan #65533;zbek has said this version of the book is said to come from the fifth or sixth century, while St. Barnabas had lived in the first century as one of the Apostles of Jesus.
-The copy in Ankara might have been written by one of the followers of St. Barnabas,- he told the Today Zaman newspaper.
-Since there is around 500 years in between St. Barnabas and the writing of the Bible copy, Muslims may be disappointed to see that this copy does not include things they would like to see #65533; It might have no relation with the content of the Gospel of Barnabas,- #65533;zbek added.
But suspicions could soon be laid to rest.
The real age of the Bible could soon be determined by a scientific scan, theology professor #65533;mer Faruk Harman told the Daily Mail, possibly clarifying whether it was written by St. Barnabas or a follower of his.
Report by Eman El-Shenawi for Albawaba
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