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22/05/2016, 15:00

L'inganno dei màrtiri cristiani di Nerone

Il "Codex Laurentianus Mediceus MS 68 II", conservato presso la Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Firenze, è il manoscritto più antico che attesta il famoso brano su Cristo e i Cristiani, riportato nel XV Libro, cap. 44, degli Annales dello storico romano Cornelio Tacito. La sua datazione è stimata dai paleografi intorno all’XI secolo, cioè un millennio dopo la morte dello scrittore latino, e costituisce l'archètipo di altri codici copiati in epoche ancor più recenti.
Fu rinvenuto nel 1356 (tre secoli dopo la presunta data di stesura) dal famoso letterato Zanobi da Strada, nella veste di Vicario del Vescovo Angelo Acciaiuoli, all'interno della grande Abbazia dell'ordine benedettino di Montecassino, specializzata in grafia beneventana latina, fornita di scriptorium e arricchita con una biblioteca di codici miniati nonché opere sacre e classiche......

12 - Linganno dei martiri cristiani - ITA.PDF
(1.67 MiB) Scaricato 478 volte


22/05/2016, 15:09

'Gesù' e 'Cristo': due attributi divini del Nazireo, figlio di Dio

"Gli rispose la samaritana: «So che deve venire il Messia, chiamato Cristo: quando egli verrà, ci annuncerà ogni cosa». Le dice Gesù: «Sono io, che parlo con te»"(Gv 4,25-26).
“L’angelo Gabriele fu mandato da Dio a una vergine che si chiamava Maria. Entrato da lei disse: «Concepirai un figlio, lo darai alla luce e lo chiamerai Gesù” (Lc 1,26-31).
"Maria partorirà un figlio e tu (san Giuseppe) lo chiamerai Gesù, poiché Egli salverà il suo popolo dai suoi peccati" (Mt 1,21).
13 - Gesu e Cristo - ITA.PDF
(775.7 KiB) Scaricato 493 volte


22/05/2016, 15:11

Dai falsi miracoli alla Sindone: Santi Padri inventarono la "Tradizione" cristiana

Nel I studio abbiamo provato l’invenzione - fatta dagli scribi cristiani di "Atti degli Apostoli" - di un fittizio "Atto del Sinedrio" che vide come protagonisti inesistenti Apostoli fatti arrestare dal Sommo Sacerdote per "essere messi a morte".
I Santi Successori, incaricati da Cristo per continuare a diffondere il messaggio della salvezza dopo la Sua Passione e ascensione in cielo, mentre risiedevano ancora nella città santa di Gerusalemme, furono accusati dal Sinedrio di "aver predicato in nome di costui (Gesù)" ed aver fatto troppi miracoli davanti al “portico di Salomone”(At 5,13-16).
Sono accuse ridicole: perché mai un Sommo Sacerdote del Tempio avrebbe dovuto uccidere chi aveva poteri divini simili? Siamo di fronte a un “Credo” basato sulla unica testimonianza trasmessa da “Sacre Scritture”. In esse si narra di uomini, come Gesù e Apostoli, vissuti circa duemila anni fa, dotati di poteri sovrumani e autori di prodigi straordinari; uomini che, secondo le narrazioni evangeliche, interagirono con altri uomini famosi, realmente esistiti, pertanto rintracciabili nella storiografia dell’epoca.......
14 - Dai falsi miracoli alla Sindone - ITA.PDF
(966.66 KiB) Scaricato 497 volte


22/05/2016, 15:27

La storia identifica il Sommo Sacerdote Caifa e Giuseppe, fratello minore di Gesù

Nel VI argomento, concernente il Testimonium Flavianum, abbiamo evidenziato come, nella sua "Historia Ecclesiastica" del IV secolo, il Vescovo Eusebio di Cesarea abbia censurato il patronimico del Sommo Sacerdote "Giuseppe detto Caifa", unico nome paterno mancante nella lista dei cinque Sommi Sacerdoti citati. Esattamente come risulta anche in "Antichità Giudaiche", dello storico ebreo, nei codici da noi individuati e trascritti dagli amanuensi dopo l'XI secolo, per essere successivamente conferiti al professor Niese, a fine '800, col compito di curarne la traduzione.......
15 - La storia identifica il Sommo Sacerdote - ITA.PDF
(827.35 KiB) Scaricato 498 volte


23/05/2016, 12:22

In data 20 Marzo 2010, presso l'emittente televisiva laziale "Teletibur" (Tivoli), fra Emilio Salsi e l'esegeta della Chiesa, sacerdote Prof. Gianluigi Pasquale, si è tenuto un confronto incentrato sulle contraddizioni riscontrate nei vangeli e sulla loro effettiva credibilità storica.

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23/05/2016, 12:29

Ad iniziare dagli alti prelati, tutti gli esegeti del Vaticano temono il confronto sulla mitologia cristiana con Emilio Salsi. Ecco il carteggio

Chiunque si addentri nella ricerca storica, concernente le vicende degli uomini che portarono all'ascesa della potenza di Roma antica sino al consolidamento di un impero che durò oltre mezzo millennio, è consapevole che la narrazione di tali eventi ci è stata trascritta nel Medioevo in codici redatti da amanuensi cristiani all'interno di antiche Abbazie attrezzate con apposite copisterie.
E' grazie a quegli antichi scrivani che oggi possiamo conoscere e conservare nella memoria, le guerre, i nomi dei condottieri, o le vite private dei protagonisti più famosi, anche se lontani nel tempo.
Purtuttavia, sebbene i copisti si siano premurati di non disperdere la conoscenza di quelle epoche remote, il fatto che non ci abbiano fatto pervenire alcun rotolo manoscritto o codice originale stilato dai numerosi cronisti imperiali di uno Stato altamente organizzato e strutturato come quello romano, è un aspetto che ha indotto molti studiosi di letteratura classica a dubitare che quei documenti siano stati distrutti volutamente dal Clero cristiano per eliminare, con una censura mirata, prove che avrebbero inficiato l'attendibilità della Chiesa primitiva e la sua "Tradizione" successiva.......
17 - tutti gli esegeti del Vaticano temono il confronto - ITA.PDF
(9.6 MiB) Scaricato 578 volte


23/05/2016, 12:32

Contro Alberto e Piero Angela, opportunisti divulgatori di inesistenti Cristiani primitivi.
Pietro e Paolo: le false biografie di due apostoli

Grazie all’ausilio di Storia, Archeologia, Filologia e Toponomastica giudaica, con gli studi iniziali abbiamo accertato l’inesistenza dei “Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo”, ciò nondimeno, ad ulteriore verifica di tali ricerche, abbiamo il dovere di indagare anche sulla presunta vita e relative gloriose imprese compiute da tali personaggi, che la Chiesa, dopo averli spacciati per veritieri, è stata costretta ad inventare ...
18 - Contro Alberto e Piero Angela - ITA.PDF
(863.93 KiB) Scaricato 468 volte


23/05/2016, 12:37

Sottoscrizione per confronto pubblico sulle TV nazionali fra Emilio Salsi ed un esegeta del Vaticano

Tramite la piattaforma online di, otto studiosi di Storia del Cristianesimo primitivo hanno aperto una sottoscrizione pubblica al fine di promuovere un confronto pubblico da tenersi sulle televisioni nazionali fra lo storico Emilio Salsi ed un esegeta della Chiesa. Per leggere le motivazioni ed eventualmente aderire cliccare sul seguente link:

Link alla petizione su


23/05/2016, 12:54

The Saints of Christian mythology.

"Jesus" means "Saviour" and "Christ" "Anointed", referred to in the "Holy Texts" as divine attributes. So, what was the real name of the Jew Jesus? Who was he in reality and what authentic deeds saw him as protagonist? ... When and Why was he killed? The "Three Marys" in the life of Christ...who, in reality, are "Six Marys" in the Gospels... force those who carry out critical analysis to inquire into these "pious" women, all of whom, strangely, had the same name... were related to Jesus and one is said to be Jesus's mother's sisiter ... women who had children with the same names... the same as those of the "Lord's" brothers ... who in turn had names the same as those of "some" Apostles: is their explanationfor these improbable coincidences?

Sanhedrin, High Priests and Temple of Jerusalem: what relationships were there between these Jewish institutions and the Apostles? Historiography is able to identify their names and their vicissitudes ... and what "Acts" were they they protagonists of.
Were the quarrels between Saint Paul and the High Priest of the Sanhedrin? ... According to history who was the High Priest of the Sanhedrin called "Kaipha"? ... Who were the "Apostles" in reality? ... and why do their names and their number vary from Gospel to Gospel?: history answers these questions.

Saint Peter, Saint James, Saint Paul... Why doesn't any first century writer report the term "Apostle"?... Why doesn't history record their presence, despite the fact that, according to the Gospels, it was they who "witnessed" the Advent of Jesus Christ in the Roman Empire and in the city of Rome itself and demonstrated the "Power and the Glory" by performing miracles which amazed crowds of believers ... just like their "Teacher"? ...

The critical analysis answers these questions and, by discovering the falsifications introduced into the Gospels, proves that the Apostles were a literary invention created at a later date and functional to the doctrine of the salvation from the first century onwards. Whoever has evidence to the contrary must disclose it, thus allowing us to be spared from reading the "testimonies" of the "Fathers" of the "rising primitive Church" or those of ascetics undergoing a full mystical crisis; they must not subject us to the usual, foregone"testimonies" of those whoinvented them for their own personal interest ...

Did Saint Paul truly exist? ... No! History manages to prove that the "Apostle of the People" was created to justify, through the "sudden inspiration" of an invented man, the modification of a doctrine which initially was different, in oreer to make it appear as if it had been the divinity itself to have demanded the change by means of a "Revelation": the fact that a religion, which initially was different, was changed for human opportunity could not be disclosed.

The pitiless logic of History demonstrates the absurdities contained in the "Holy Texts" and eliminates them, as precisely as the scalpels of surgeon which remove tumours from the bodies of the sick. The enigma of Jesus Christ, "the greatest mystery of humanity", as he is defined by mass media ... is no longer such: history allows us to identify the event of the man Jesus upon which, at a later date, the myth of Salvation for eternal life was built and evolved.

In schools, in the press, in films, on public and private TV ... transformed into modern and effective pulpits, they speak about the Christian religion and its protagonists, who are duly described through ... false details.
TV news can now be compared to parish noticeboards, which are present in our homes and updated daily; the news report, emphatically, the same, foregone conclusions of the Pope and fill them with profound, heralding meaning, as if they were the words of God, prophecies on the future of mankind: a true "cult of the personality" which became "holy" thanks to daily, widespread propaganda unprecedented in the history of man.

On TV programs there are declarations made by exegetes and biblical exegetes, Cardinals, Bishops, Monsignors who - after informing us about further miracles concerning the new divinity "Padre Pio", the ossuaries of Apostles and Saints, relics, meaningless papyrus fragments passed of as "documents", visions of "Madonnas" with sorrowful tears of blood - warn us about the constant presence of "Satan", always ready to corrupt and lay a trap for all men and women.
Obsequious journalists ostentate jubilation for the supernatural powers of "Pope Wojtyla the Great" and for the miracle performed by the latter and certified by a nun (sic!) ... and he was finally beatified.

Spiritism, satanism, skeletons, ghosts, angels, souls, saints, miracles, relics, blood, monsters legends ... everything becomes "possible", "theorized", discussed, debated and little by little we begin to believe it all, without even realizing it ... at least the naive. The most powerful system of mass information and mass conditioning ever created, which does its utmost to maintain and strengthen the beliefs and superstitions rampant throughout the dark centuries of the Middle Ages. Groundless beliefs which are administered as if they were "spirituality".

According to what is reported in the "Holy Scriptures", the "mass media", through their footage, speak about Jesus, the Madonna, Saint Joseph and the Apostles who (and by now we know it by heart) interacted with famous people, who truly existed and are documented by first century historians; as a result their vicissitudes are interwoven with history ... therefore "truthful".
On the basis of such a conclusion, it would appear that few people dare continue to question the "Advent" of the Messiah, dating back to roughly two thousand years ago in a faraway Province of the Roman Empire, during the reigns of Claudius and Tiberius.
But must we really take for granted that the deeds described in the Gospels, attributed to Jesus and to the Apostles who succeeded him, truly took place?
Did the Madonna, Saint Joseph, the Three Wise Men, Angels, Jesus and the Apostles ... really exist?
History, through advanced critical research supported by archeology, epigraphs and philology, can verify whether the narrated facts in the "Holy Texts" truly took place ... by comparing the vicissitudes of famous people who really existed with those of Saints who "interact" with these historical figures.
A textual analysis of the Gospels is confronted with historical reality; this starts up an inquirythat eliminates, one by one, the "Acts" narrated therein, which are unpitifully yet rightfully branded as false.

The Christian doctrine which we read in the Gospels today was not elaborated "arbitrarily" by this or that Evangelist, or the result of the imagination of a single person; instead, as verified through the research, this "Creed" is the final result of a theological evolution which began with the Essenes, one of the four Jewish religious factions (the other three are the Pharisees, the Zealots and the Sadduceans) present in Palestine in the first century.
After the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple ordered by Titus as a result of the military defeat, the pagans perpetrated grave persecutions against the Jewish communities in many eastern cities of the Empire, from Syria Egypt.
Some Essenic congregations (starting from Egypt) began to modify their doctrine and revised the Jewish ancestral concept of the divine "Messiah", yearning for the advent of a "Saviour" ("Jeshùa") who would liberate them from pagan domination.

On the basis of what has been revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Jewish "Messiah" was an extreme nationalist and provoker of an apocalyptic nemesis against the pagan and against Rome: A King Dominator of the World, even more powerful than King David. He is the same prophesized and awaited "Dominator of the World" reported by Josephus Flavius, after being captured by the Roman warrior Vespasian just before the latter was acclaimed Emperor.
Since the authentic "Dominator of the World" was the Emperor of Rome, the Jewish divine Messiah was ideologically in contrast with Roman power, therefore too dangerous for the faithful of the diaspors living in the imperial Provinces, faraway from Judea and in close contact with the Pagans, followers of different creeds.
At the General Audience with the Pope held on 3 January 1990 "John Paul II the Great" described the Messaih through these words:

"With David the ideal of the King anointed by the Lord takes texture, the figure of the future Messiah-King who will be the true liberator and saviour of his people...the ideal of the Messiah-KIng will not wane and will be casted ever so much into the future in terms of awaiting,

Yahweh's anointed - prophesized in the Ancient Law and awaited by the Jews during the Messainic era - was chosen by God in order to unite, through a renewed alliance, the lost "children of Israel", a distant past belonging to the twelve tribes who divided up the "Promise Land". He had to be a warrior King who, like David who led his people against the Philistines, would have crushed the pagan invaders of their land. A God who asked the Jewish Zealot nation to take part in a struggle, as is reported by Josephus:

"the nationalistic fanatics (the Zealots) will not retreat in front of possible and necessary bloodshed, and the Divinity (Yaweh) would have favoured the success of their exploit".

A God which demanded that the Jews behave in accordance with the Law of the ancient fathers: "Zealot" behaviour" ... to the point of martyrdom.

The Essenes residing in Palestine (as documented in their original manuscripts) were in favour of a national liberation struggle against the Roman "Kittim" invaders; they incited the people to rebellion and spurred them on with their prophecies until 70 A.D. They declared themselves the guardians of the "Divine Revelations" paving the way for a Messianic intervention to "save"the chosen people by crushing their enemies.

From the death of Herod the Great in 4 B.C., there was a series of revolts against Roman power which lasted until the holy war of liberation ending in 70 A.D.: it was a massacre. After such a catastrophe the Essene priests - supporters of the prophesy which announced the advent of a divine "Saviour" who would lend aid to the Jews - in order to counter the accusations made against them with regard to the unsuccessful prophesy, cause of much useless bloodshed, they reasserted that the "Messiah" had truly come but ... the Jews had not recognized him.
Inspired by the Ancestral Law which refers to a prophesy of Isaiah:

"Ill treated and afflicted, he (the Messiah) never opened his mouth, like a lamb led to the slaughter-house, like a sheep dumb before its shearers he never opened his mouth".
Repeated in the Gospels: "Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!".

The Essenes used the prophesy to justify themselves in front of the Jews and identified their "Messiah", lamb of God", as a priest named John, eldest son of the pharisee revolutionary Judas, called the Galilean, who in 6 A.D. founded the anti-Roman Zealot philosophy - the " fourth philosophy " - reported by Josephus Flavius:

"Judas the Galilean placed himself at the head of the fourth philosophy, a novelty unknown up until that time, which agrees with all the opinions of the Pharisees apart from the fact that they have a burning love for freedom (the Zealots were Pharisee irredentist revolutionaries who were against slavery) convinced that only God is their guide and Owner; they were more than ready to face up to an agonizing death …".

An ideology which provided for the abolition of slavery and of the priestly pro-Roman castes. After the deathm of Herod the Great in 4 B.C., Judas attacked Sepphoris (the capital of Galilee), proclaimed himself King of the Jews and conquered the whole region, thus provoking the reaction of Rome, which managed to reconquer the area thanks to the intervention of the legions commanded by the son of Quintilius Varus, Legate of Caesar Augustus and Governor of Syria. Judas the Galilean had five sons, whose names were the same as those of Jesus's four brothers (as reported in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark) plus John; authentically Jewish names, the same as those of the sons of the many "Marys" reported in the Gospels and as those of a few "Apostles" ... duplicated or triplicated.
It was an unyielding struggle against Rome led by a line of noble Jews, descendants of the Asmoneans and pretenders to the throne of the Jews usurped by Herod and his heirs, which gave birth to first century "Messianism"... in Greek "Christianity".

During the 34-37 A.D. conflict between the Roman Empire and the Kingdom of the Parthians, John, the new Zealot leader took power in Jerusalem (with the help of his brothers) and proclaimed himself King of the jews ... and the people recognized him as their "Saviour" until Easter of 36 A.D., when, after crushing the rebellion, the Romans crucified him.

After Titus, Vespasian's son, destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D., some Essene priests from Egypt began to conceive a new Jewish "Saviour" (Jeshùa) and "Messiah" (Christ); they were inspired by the abstract "Logos" of the Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria, who died in 45 A.D. …
A divine "Messiah" who was no longer a nationalist fighter, therefore acceptable to the Imperial power of Rome and less dangerous for the Jewish population of the diaspora. But it was not so simple...

The "gnosis" (knowledge of God) of the ascetic Essenes idealized several divine "Saviours", not yet in contrast with the Ancient Law and suitable for mystical exaltation but not strongly requested (because not understood) by a people in need of "eternity" and therapeutic miracles.
Meanwhile, in Judea the Jewish Zealot faction, despite the military defeat and the persecutions, survived ideologically and was refounded and led by their last "Saviour", Simon bar (son of) Kosiba, referred to with the Messainic title of "bar Kochba" (son of the Star); he was considered a force capable of facing, once again, the Roman legions the last war (132 - 135 A.D.) against the Roman Empire (governed by Hadrian).
It ended with another massacre: the jews were defeated in 135 A.D. and forced to abandon a Jerusalem and a Judea which had once again been destroyed. The exiled Israelites spread throughout the eastern Roman Empire, as far as Mesopotamia and beyond.

It was after this second, tragic disaster that a new doctrine began to spread throughout the territories of the former Hellenic Empire; despite being based upon the Jewish Old Testament, it postulated the "resurrection" of the body after death thanks to the theophagic eucharistic sacrifice.
Until this time the Pharisees, Essenes and Zealots only believed in the eternity of the soul, while the Sadduceans did not even believe in this.
The pagan rituals of the mystery cults - which worshipped semi-Gods ("Soteres" or Saviours) existing prior to "Christ Saviour" - provided for the "resurrection" of the faithful after death. These rituals were practiced by priests of eastern origin and reserved for wealthy, privileged neophytes; their liturgies were characterized by the drinking of the blood of an animal sacrificed at the very moment in which God took possession of the victim (hostia) in order to enter in communion with Him and acquire "the grace" needed to resurrect after death.

The grafting of the theophagic pagan ritual on the Jewish religion of the "Ancient Fathers" gave birth to "Jesuit Christianity": Jesus, the Messaih, Saviour of all men had already come and had "sacrificed" himself for them. According to his teachings, to "save" oneself from the punishment of hell and resurrect with a perfectly healthy body and live eternally in the new Kingdom of Heaven, all that one needed to do is follow codes of behaviour dictated by "ministers" of the new God, purify themselves and eat a piece of consecrated bread in which the body and blood of the Jewish saviour "Our Lord Jesus Christ" can be found: the "hostia", from Latin, "the victim sacrificed to God"...

No prophesy of the Old Testament provided for the Advent of a Messiah destined by God to be sacrificed and then divided into "consecrated Hosts" to be eaten by the "Gentiles" so that they can resurrect after death. Such eschatology at first could not be conceived by the Essene Jews: it would have come into contrast with the Ancestral Law ... and with its followers: The primitivegnostic doctrine of the Essenes had to be changed; a change that would have even involved the pagans: Pauline Christianity. Or rather, the Christian doctrine which has arrived to the present day. This is why "Saint Paul" was created by the Founding Fathers of the new faith ... or rather, they had him be created by the "Messiah" himself after his resurrection. According to what "historical testimony"? Simple: the "Acts of the Apostles", some letters which have been attributed to him and the Ecclesiastical History of the "Apologetic Fathers".

To understand how a scolar today can come to such conclusions one must read the Gospels and confront them with true ... history. Read the testimonies concerning Christianity written by first and secondar century authors, read about who the latter were and the functions they had in the Empire; compare these testimonies to those of the Apostolic and Apologetic Fathers of the same era and of later periods; verify the truthfulness, authenticity and accuracy of the historical information provided by comparing it to that which is reported by Tacitus, Josephus flavius, Suetonius, Plinius the Younger, Cassius Dio and other imperial chroniclers; know the dating of the oldest manuscripts in order to assess the true value of the "testimony" belonging to a "tradition" created a posteriori and attributed to "Fathers" who lived centuries earlier and whose original manuscripts no longer exist ... destroyed, rather than be preserved ... in order to eliminate any possible historical and theological contradictions and hide the evidence of the "construction" and evolutionof the new doctrine created by man, not by God ... to prevent the mistakes (and their motives) from being identified.

Finally, was there really a "Christianity" with related martyrs, followers of a "Jesus Christ" who had already come in the first century ... orwere thesethese "Christians", forced to undergo torture, simply "Messianist" Jews awaiting the "Messiah" which until this time had only been prophesized ... as attested by the Qumran Scrolls.

All the answers can be found by found by following the historiological route resulting from the comparative reading of history and the "Holy Scriptures", included in the present website and in the historical essay: John the Nazirean, called "Jesus Christ", and his brothers.

Emilio Salsi



23/05/2016, 13:04

Who Emilio Salsi is

Emilio Salsi, born in 1940, had a career in the airforce; after his retirement, he began to study and become passionately fond of historical documents related to the Roman Empire.

Titus Livius, Tacitus, Suetonius, Cassius Dio have become the object of his readings but, apart from the paradoxical "outburst of Christians" persecuted by Nero, he has discovered the "profound darkness" surrounding the events which took place in the first century: there is a lack of concrete testimony of "Christianity", Jesus Christ and the Apostles. He has therefore decided to conduct a more in-depth study. Josephus, Plinius the Younger, Justinus, Tertullianus, Origen, Egesippus, Eusebius of Caesarea ... he is aware that the writings and the lives of these authors must be compared. The laws in force in the Roman Empire during the first century, the power and responsibilities of the men governing its future. Tacitus, Suetonius, Plinius the Younger, all of whom were officials at the top of imperial hierarchy and contemporaries, with the right to consult the "Acts of the Senate" and the historical archives in Rome under the Emperors Trajan and Hadrian, left testimonies which could not contradict one another, butnevertheless...


Confident that the studies published in the present site can contribute to the improvement of knowledge on the origins of Christianity, I would like to communicate that from this moment onwards I will be available for explanations and all criticism is welcome (history not eschatology).

Email address:


23/05/2016, 13:07




Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the Apostles: can history answer the question that many people ask themselves - did they truly exist? A scientific analysis, through the comparison of "Holy Events" and secular historiography, can answer this question: the "Holy Texts" contain errors and absurdities that must be highlighted.

History, archeology, numismatics, critical research on evangelical texts and documents dating back to many centuries ago, all of which are still preserved in libraries, allow us to demonstrate the inexistence of the supernatural characters, Jesus and the Apostles ... Saint Paul first of all.

Today we are able to offer proof of the falsification of Tacitus's "testimony" regarding the persecution of Christians by Nero; and the same goes for Josephus's "testimony" in "Testimonium Flavianum" and with regard to the martyrdom of "James, brother of Jesus called Christ".

There are several "births" of Jesus narrated in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, being that they were invented and, starting from the dating of "Publius Sulpicius Quirinius's census", we can prove wrong, through historical evidence, whoever attempts to rectify the contradictions related to these births.

The critical revision of the "Acts of the Apostles", when compared with the life of true characters reported in these writings, compromises the validity of this "document", which is downgraded to a foolish satirical pamphlet: the historical errors which it contains demonstrate the falseness of the interpretations attributed to imperial officials, who truly existed and are identifiable ...

This is what every history teacher must know before dealing with the topic of "Christianity", and it is important to be aware of this before kneeling under a statue or in front of a priest.


23/05/2016, 13:10

The Apostles did not exist

After the death of Constantine the Great, the Christians began to progressively and systematically demolish temples and polytheistic altars. ...
01 - SalsiEmilio - apostoli - ENG.PDF
(2.15 MiB) Scaricato 431 volte


23/05/2016, 13:31

Paul of Tarsus, an invented super Apostle. Here is the evidence
02 - Paolo di Tarso un super apostolo inventato. Ecco le prove - ENG.PDF
(1.6 MiB) Scaricato 408 volte


23/05/2016, 13:33

The inexistent Apostle James "the Minor" or "the Just"

The transmission of ancient patristic Christian texts – the New Testament, Historia Ecclesiastica by Eusebius, the most important works of Tertullianus and Origen and those of many other many other “Fathers of the Church” - has been studied by many classical philologists, paleographers and bibilicists.....
03 - Linesistente apostolo Giacomo detto il Minore o il Giusto - ENG.PDF
(1.5 MiB) Scaricato 404 volte


23/05/2016, 13:53

After James the Minor his fake successors disappear: Simon, Judas Just, etc.

Superstitious and profound faith – an atavistic Christian legacy imposed on subject peoples as a one and only religion during the late Roman Empire and which clerics spread in the centuries thereafter to the most far away lands – has over time (gradually but inevitably) been replaced by a spontaneous process of establishment of rational scientific disciplines; the “constitution” which represents the foundation of Christian doctrine - the Holy Writings of the New Testament – has been implicated in this process......
04 - Dopo Giacomo il Minore svaniscono i suoi finti successori - ENG.PDF
(1.21 MiB) Scaricato 395 volte
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