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Essere Interdimensionale
Essere Interdimensionale

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Messaggi: 7289
Iscritto il: 11/07/2009, 14:28
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Essere Gnostici - Fiero di essere Eretico
MessaggioInviato: 03/01/2018, 19:34 
Che dire...ha detto tutto lui! [8D]

John Lear
1 gennaio 2018

I asked David if I could share my response to his question and he said yes. My response might interest someone else. Who knows?

David Summers Some believe that dimensions of the moon's interior is described in the bible when speaking of the New Jerusalem, or heaven, from what I understand. Have you heard this John? I'm not very knowledgeable about the bible but apparently the dimensions would fit inside the moon perfectly as a square in its interior. Revelation 21:17 I believe.

David, I prefer not to comment on any aspect of religion. Religion is a personal issue and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. The interior of the moon is where the greys have their enormous laboratories and where every single one of the Earths 5.5 billion souls are taken for upgrades and other reasons which are none of our business (many would disagree with that) but that is reality. And for those of you who question my 5.5 billion figure you should know that about 2.5 billion of beings on earth are ET's dressed up in human costume.

We are here on Earth for one reason and one reason only. And that is to:

Live our lives with integrity, without envy, hate or greed, and to express our love to our families each and every day. Thats it.

When we pass away we instantly go to the 4th dimension (the 4th dimension is what some call heaven but if you can picture what you think heaven is like, multiply that exponentially by 1000 (one thousand) and that is what heaven is really like.)

There we are met by whichever god we believe in (and if we don't believe in a god, a nondescript entity will guide you) and he/she/they/it will take us to meet with many of our close friends from previous lives we have lived. And we have all lived many hundreds of lives prior to this one. None of us are from Earth. Earth is essentially a prison planet where, because of some transgression in a previous life we need more work on living with integrity, without envy, hate or greed etc.

After a few minutes with our friends from previous lives we, each of us, are taken for 'Life Review'. In Life Review, and in full color and sound we are shown all of the wonderful and loving things we have accomplished in our life. And then, still in full color and sound we are shown every single nasty and hateful thing we have done in our life. Things you would never have realized were being recorded. Things that you think nobody would ever find out.

And based on how you fared you are either allowed to stay in the 4th dimension or sent back down to Earth for more work on educating your soul. And, no, I have no idea who makes that decision.

How many dimension are there? Infinite number.

Please, I am begging each and everyone of you, please don't tell me where I am wrong and what you believe or what you believe is the truth. I am not interested. If I get anything like that I will instantly delete and put you on block. I am not interested in whether or not you disagree. I am not trying to sell anything.

For those of you who are contemplating doing away with yourself you will just be sent back to Earth and put in a life 10 times more difficult than the one you think you are escaping.

If any of this offends you, please accept my apologies, but don't try and explain. I did my best.

To all, have a Happy New Year.
Bacheca facebook di John Lear - topic aperto

"Sei quello che sei, anche se non lo sai..."


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Messaggi: 12999
Iscritto il: 04/01/2017, 18:06
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Essere Gnostici - Fiero di essere Eretico
MessaggioInviato: 20/10/2018, 18:33 
Storico laico: ‘Dopo la morte di Gesù è veramente successo qualcosa…’

https://www.informarexresistere.fr/gesu ... ico-laico/

niente è come sembra, tutto è come appare


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Messaggi: 11941
Iscritto il: 03/12/2008, 13:35
Località: GOTHAM
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Essere Gnostici - Fiero di essere Eretico
MessaggioInviato: 22/10/2018, 18:36 
sottovento ha scritto:
Storico laico: ‘Dopo la morte di Gesù è veramente successo qualcosa…’

https://www.informarexresistere.fr/gesu ... ico-laico/

Impostazione dichiaratamente laica, quella di Jossa, la quale lo porta comunque a smentire categoricamente che gli apostoli e i discepoli, a partire da San Paolo, si siano allontanati dal messaggio originario del Cristo.

Jossa ????????????

i baciapile laici sono i più penosi ....

zio ot [:305]


Essere Interdimensionale
Essere Interdimensionale

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Messaggi: 7289
Iscritto il: 11/07/2009, 14:28
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Essere Gnostici - Fiero di essere Eretico
MessaggioInviato: 31/03/2022, 12:57 
Angel_ ha scritto:
Che dire...ha detto tutto lui! [8D]

John Lear
1 gennaio 2018

I asked David if I could share my response to his question and he said yes. My response might interest someone else. Who knows?

David Summers Some believe that dimensions of the moon's interior is described in the bible when speaking of the New Jerusalem, or heaven, from what I understand. Have you heard this John? I'm not very knowledgeable about the bible but apparently the dimensions would fit inside the moon perfectly as a square in its interior. Revelation 21:17 I believe.

David, I prefer not to comment on any aspect of religion. Religion is a personal issue and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. The interior of the moon is where the greys have their enormous laboratories and where every single one of the Earths 5.5 billion souls are taken for upgrades and other reasons which are none of our business (many would disagree with that) but that is reality. And for those of you who question my 5.5 billion figure you should know that about 2.5 billion of beings on earth are ET's dressed up in human costume.

We are here on Earth for one reason and one reason only. And that is to:

Live our lives with integrity, without envy, hate or greed, and to express our love to our families each and every day. Thats it.

When we pass away we instantly go to the 4th dimension (the 4th dimension is what some call heaven but if you can picture what you think heaven is like, multiply that exponentially by 1000 (one thousand) and that is what heaven is really like.)

There we are met by whichever god we believe in (and if we don't believe in a god, a nondescript entity will guide you) and he/she/they/it will take us to meet with many of our close friends from previous lives we have lived. And we have all lived many hundreds of lives prior to this one. None of us are from Earth. Earth is essentially a prison planet where, because of some transgression in a previous life we need more work on living with integrity, without envy, hate or greed etc.

After a few minutes with our friends from previous lives we, each of us, are taken for 'Life Review'. In Life Review, and in full color and sound we are shown all of the wonderful and loving things we have accomplished in our life. And then, still in full color and sound we are shown every single nasty and hateful thing we have done in our life. Things you would never have realized were being recorded. Things that you think nobody would ever find out.

And based on how you fared you are either allowed to stay in the 4th dimension or sent back down to Earth for more work on educating your soul. And, no, I have no idea who makes that decision.

How many dimension are there? Infinite number.

Please, I am begging each and everyone of you, please don't tell me where I am wrong and what you believe or what you believe is the truth. I am not interested. If I get anything like that I will instantly delete and put you on block. I am not interested in whether or not you disagree. I am not trying to sell anything.

For those of you who are contemplating doing away with yourself you will just be sent back to Earth and put in a life 10 times more difficult than the one you think you are escaping.

If any of this offends you, please accept my apologies, but don't try and explain. I did my best.

To all, have a Happy New Year.
Bacheca facebook di John Lear - topic aperto

John Lear ci ha lasciati.... Sua figlia, su disposizione del padre ha postato un foglio firmato da lui, c'era scritto questo:

My dad asked me to post this on his FB page after he went on to his next lifetime. Please do not ask me any questions because other than he was my Dad I don't know anything about this. He did tell me a few years ago and mentioned that Angels are allowed a few mistakes but he tried not to abuse that privilege.He also mentioned that he stands firmly behind his Disclosure 101 post.
I am an Angel. John Lear

Mio padre mi ha chiesto di postare questo sulla sua pagina FB dopo che è passato alla sua prossima vita. Per favore, non fatemi domande perché, a parte che lui era mio padre, io non ne so nulla. Me lo ha detto alcuni anni fa e ha menzionato che agli Angeli sono consentiti alcuni errori, ma ha cercato di non abusare di quel privilegio. Ha anche affermato di essere fermamente dietro il suo post su Disclosure 101. Sono un'Angelo.
John Lear

"Sei quello che sei, anche se non lo sai..."


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Messaggi: 2241
Iscritto il: 27/08/2018, 05:22
Località: Civitanova Marche
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Essere Gnostici - Fiero di essere Eretico
MessaggioInviato: 01/04/2022, 01:56 


"...la vita è uno stato mentale..." tratto da "Oltre il giardino" di Hal Ashby
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