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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 13:56 
Saint John, the false Apostle, witnessed by fake “Fathers”

The renowned humanist Aldus Pius Manutius (Aldo Manuzio, 1449 – 1515) was an important Italian Renaissance figure with a passion for classical studies, friend of many influential clerics and frequenter of ancient libraries; after collaborating for years with many expert manuscript researchers whose support was essential to the publication of works regarding Greek and Latin civilization, in 1508 he printed an edition of “The Letters of Plinius the Younger to Trajan ...” (C. Plinii Secundi ... Epistolarum libri Dece …) which included, for the first time, the collection of letters to the Emperor when the patrician governed over Bithynia as Legatus Augusti pro Praetore. In one of these letters written to Trajan in 112 A.D., the pagan Senator denounced the copious and abnormal presence of a Christian sect in that faraway Roman province.......

05 - San Giovanni, apostolo irreale testimoniato da fittizi Padri - ENG.PDF [2.1 MiB]
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Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:01 
The fake "Testimonium Flavianum"

In our studies we have made reference several times to "Testimonium Flavianum" in a critical manner, especially in the the third and fourth studies where we analyzed the false martyrdom of an inexistent Apostle called "James the Minor".
It is now our duty to deal with the subject in order to explain what it is all about and tell our readers why we have expressed such a drastic opinion regarding a short passage which the majority of the proecclesiastical spiritual critics wish to certify as history........

06 - I falsi Testimonium Flavianum - ENG.PDF [1.47 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:07 
The description of Nazareth in the Gospels does not correspond to the present-day city, but to Gàmala, stronghold of the Hasmonean descendants

From the comparison of the characters highlighted by Saint Luke through the speech of Gamaliel with those reported by Josephus in Antiquities XX verses 97/102, it has been demonstrated (see first study) that “Theudas” was not a name used in the first century, but a religious attribute, “Light of God” (“Uriel” in Hebrew), which a self-proclaiming prophet who was famous among the Jews gave himself just after the death of Christ. Therefore the news about the Prophet - passed on to posterity by the historian - was censored; this censorship regarding the name, the patronymic and the motive was carried out in order to prevent the identification of the Prophet with the Apostle “Thaddaeus or Taddaios”, called by Luke “Judas”, who declares himself to be “brother of James” in his “Letter of Judas” (1,1)........

07 - La descrizione di Nazaret nei vangeli non corrisponde - ENG.PDF [2.51 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:13 
The great lie of the gospels: Jesus and the Apostles did not know their homeland

Through the analyses published thusfar we have stated again and again that the Christian scribes, authors of the Gospels, were not of Jewish extraction and never bothered to verify whether the localities, cities and places of worship recalled in their writings truly existed in the first century: the time of the ministry of Christ and of his Apostles........

08 - La grande menzogna evangelica - ENG.PDF [2.15 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:20 
Yeshùa Johannes and the Zealots of Gamala redeemed by the Christianity of the Gentiles

Through the studies carried out thusfar we have demonstrated that the "Apostles", one after another, are eliminated thanks to a critical historiological verification. The analyses have allowed us to uncover spurious passages and simulations added to the holy and historical texts by Christian scribes during the century-old evolution of the doctrine.
These tamperings are still underway and their objective is to prevent the recognition of the true protagonists, who were the leaders of the Zealot movement for Jewish national liberation; these men were hidden behind an "Apostolic" guise which depicts them as myths such as lambs and preachers of peace and justice on Earth who bestowed the promise of eternal life........

09 - Yeshua Giovanni e gli Zeloti di Gamala - ENG.PDF [1.48 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:25 
A grave famine convinced Yeshùa to proclaim himself King of the Jews

As of the fourth century, period in which the "Acts of the Apostles" were drawn up in their respective biblical codexes (which still exist today, like the "Codex Sinaiticus" and the "Codex Vaticanus"), the historians of the Christians who had come to power, having read the first century scrolls containing the works of Josephus and preserved in the imperial library, were aware of the serious famine which had hit Judea between 34 and 36 A.D., during the Prinicipate of Tiberius not under Claudius........

10 - Una grave carestia indusse Yeshua a proclamarsi Re dei Giudei - ENG.PDF [1.52 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:33 
Two fake nativities of Jesus for an 'immaculate conception'

Just after ascending the papal throne in 1978 Pope Karol Wojtyla, beatified as "John Paul II the Great", carried out a modern form of cutting-edge "apostolate" by having believers of proven faith become comperes in the principal television networks; this was an attempt (which will later prove to be illusory) to have the Christian religion regain credibility after being driven into a corner by the student protests of the 19è60s and 70s.
A "high tech" method of indoctrination was favoured; it made use of crying Madonnas, stained with "painful tears of blood"; or of another "Virgin Mary" seen only by six visionaries from Medjugorie; or of the ambiguous "third secret of Fatima", according to which another Madonna deviated the bullet pointed at the heart of Karol the Great by the Turkish assailant Ali Agca, the latest self-proclaimed "Messiah"; in addition to the beatification of over 1300 new Saints and, last but not least, the creation of the latest divinity, made flesh through "Padre Pio" and to be worshipped by naive believers........

11 - Due finte nativita - ENG.PDF [1.57 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:37 
The deception of the Christian martyrs of Nero

The Codex Laurentianus Mediceus M II (68.2) - preserved at the Medicea Laurentiana Library - is the oldest manuscript attesting the famous passage concerning Christ and the Christians (contained in Book XV chap. 44 of Tacitus's Annales). According to paleographers it is dated to around the eleventh century, in other words a millenium after the death of the Latin historian, and represents the archetype of other codexes copied in more recent times.
It was found in 1356 (two centuries after it is said to have been drafted) by the famous man of letters Zanòbi from Strada (Chianti), in his capacity of vicar of Bishop Angelo Acciaiuoli within the great Abbacy of Montecassino, which has a library full of illuminated manuscripts containing holy and classical literary works........

12 - Linganno dei martiri cristiani - ENG.PDF [3.26 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:47 
'Jesus' and 'Christ': two divine attributes of the Nazireo

"The woman said to him, «I know that Messia - that is, Christ - is coming; and when he comes he willl explain everything.» Jesus said, «That is who I am, I who speak to you.»(Gv 4,25-26).
"The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a virgin and the virgin's name was Mary. He went in and said to her: «You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus»" (Lc 1,26-31).
"Mary will give birth to a son and you (Saint Joseph) must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins" (Mt 1,21).

13 - Gesu e Cristo - ENG.PDF [1.22 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:52 
From the false miracles to the Holy Shroud: Holy Fathers invented the "Christian Tradition"

The Temple of Jerusalem and the Apostolic miracles

In the first study we have proven the invention - made by the Christian scribes of "Acts of the Apostles" - of a fictitious "Act of the Sanhedrin" whose protagonists were inexistent Apostles arrested by the High Priest in order "to be put to death"........

14 - Dai falsi miracoli alla Sindone - ENG.PDF [2.56 MiB]
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Messaggi: 8132
Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 23/05/2016, 15:57 
History identifies the High Priest Caiaphas and Joseph, Jesus's youngest brother

In the VI study, concerning the Testimonium Flavianum, we have highlighted how the Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, in his "Historia Ecclesiastica", had censored the patronymic of the High Priest "Joseph called Caiaphas", which was the only paternal name missing in the list of the five mentioned High Priests. This clearly results also in the "Antiquities of the Jews" of the jewish historian, in the codices that we have identified, which had been transcribed by the Christian scribes after the XI century to be then translated at the end of the XIX century by prof. Benedikt Niese. Therefore, at this point of our study, to proceed further we need to step back to the Eusebius "Historia Ecclesiastica":.......

15 - La storia identifica il Sommo Sacerdote - ENG.PDF [1.58 MiB]
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Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 19/01/2017, 11:06 
I martiri cristiani si dimostrano una impostura millenaria. Questi i riscontri

19 - I martiri cristiani si dimostrano una impostura millenaria. Questi i riscontri - ITA.PDF [820.93 KiB]
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Messaggi: 11941
Iscritto il: 03/12/2008, 13:35
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 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 28/02/2017, 15:00 
Nuova versione de :

Una grave carestia indusse Yeshùa a proclamarsi Re dei Giudei

si tratta dell' aggiunta di una terza parte nello studio :

Contro Albino Garzetti e la sua analisi su Lucio Vitellio


Ritengo questo studio tra i più importanti dell' opera di Emilio Salsi ,

e una sua specifica scoperta.

Zak , appena puoi procedi con il PDF .

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Iscritto il: 24/01/2011, 14:04
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MessaggioInviato: 28/02/2017, 16:15 
barionu ha scritto:
Zak , appena puoi procedi con il PDF .

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Esiste anche la versione inglese con la terza parte?

"Se riesci a mantenere la calma quando tutti intorno a te hanno perso la testa, forse non hai afferrato bene la situazione" - Jean Kerr

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
"Chi e' disposto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non otterra' né la liberta' ne' la sicurezza ma le perdera' entrambe" - Benjamin Franklin

"Soltanto chi non ha approfondito nulla può avere delle convinzioni" - Emil Cioran

"Quanto piu' una persona e' intelligente, tanto meno diffida dell'assurdo" - Joseph Conrad

"Guardati dalla maggioranza. Se tante persone seguono qualcosa, potrebbe essere una prova sufficiente che è una cosa sbagliata. La verità accade agli individui, non alle masse." – Osho



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Messaggi: 11941
Iscritto il: 03/12/2008, 13:35
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 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: EMILIO SALSI PDF
MessaggioInviato: 01/03/2017, 10:46 
zakmck ha scritto:
barionu ha scritto:
Zak , appena puoi procedi con il PDF .

zio ot [:305]


Esiste anche la versione inglese con la terza parte?

più avanti ... per adesso in linguaggio italico .

il PDF è urgente !

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