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Re: Alieni nella musica

16/02/2015, 18:02

Dead Can Dance

Song of the Stars

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We are the stars which sing
We sing with our light
We are the birds of fire
We fly over the sky
Our light is a voice

We make a road for the spirit to pass over

{Algonquian Indian}
Outò, ba mwen son ou,e
Outò, ba mwen son ou,e
Tanbouyè, o ba mwen son ou
Solèy lève
Outò, give me your sound
Outò, give me your sound
Drummer, give me your sound

The Sun rises

Re: Alieni nella musica

16/02/2015, 18:06

Musica terapeutica astrale

di Eugenio Siragusa del 1976

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Re: Alieni nella musica

04/10/2022, 16:59

Franco Franchi -
Mamma! Ho Visto Un UFO (1978)
/Telefonata a Gesù

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